Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Taking care of the temple

I just returned from the gym. I’ve got a crazy week with deadlines, interviews and book readings, but still I made the time today to get in a quick hour workout.

It helps keep me sane and healthy. I’m not getting any younger and I’ve got to get the body ready for Dinah Shore. Plus I do love Girl Scout cookies and every ten minutes on the treadmill earns me a cookie. How about you ladies? I just read a study that lesbians are less healthy than the average woman. We drink more, smoke more are more overweight and have more stress in our lives.

Life can get crazy, but remember to put yourself first. My inspiration is Hillary Clinton. I read that she makes time to workout every day. I figure if the busiest woman in America can make time to workout, so can I.

© Photo by Glen Able

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hit the gym this morning with the goal being 3 times this week. It's definately a daily choice. I meet lesbians that are either really into activity or are couch potatoes. There doesn't seem to be balance...yet. I have hope.